Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Workshop: Popular Education. Tools for participation.

The November 9th we are fortunate to have Carlos Armando García Jiménez, a member of Team Corn, institution Popular Education in El Salvador .

Here we offer information on the day:

Topic: Popular Education: Tools for Participation, from South
Organizers: Círculo Solidario Navarra
Speaker: Team Corn (El Salvador). Carlos Armando García Jiménez
Held Casa de la Juventud, C / Sangüesa 30, Pamplona
Audience: People related to Education for Development and Popular Education.
Hours: from 17 to 20 hours
Date: November 9

Objetiv Workshop I:
- Promote opportunities for reflection on the tools of popular education as an instrument of participation.
- specific experience of popular education in the North and South.

1. Popular Education: Team Corn (The Salvador)
2. Methods and strategies of Popular Education in the South.
3. Popular Education as a Tool for Civic Engagement.

Methodology: Dynamic
participatory, group reflection, sharing experiences ...

More information and registration: Círculo Solidario
Navarra: 948 March 27, 1967;

I hope!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Predict Baby Hair Colour

Literacy in El Salvador. Millennium Txaranga

Circle Solidario El Salvador participated in the Literacy Commission created by the Salvadoran Ministry of Education is part in the Social Education Plan "Go to School."

The Commission has, among other tasks, the task of coordinating volunteer support, a key part of the work involved in the National Literacy Plan, which has as one of its aims to reduce illiteracy in El Salvador to 4% by 2014 . Currently, the illiteracy rate to 17.9% of the population.

Today, the National Literacy Plan is running with 39,000 people, but the goal is to reach 70,000 in 2010.

More here.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Where Sells Superbock In Uk

Touring the country on the film and the chain of solidarity

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Catan Cities And Knights Pc Game Blog

Cinekinesis Project was selected to participate in the "Cultural Promotion System " City of Buenos Aires.
The goal is to make six short films, one in Town and the remaining five in each of the regions of the country, with children and young people, inviting them to join
experience Those who want to collaborate with project financing and GROSS pay in the City, may be Cinekinesis contributors or sponsors.
The procedure is simple and can be done on-line.
If you are interested in joining the project please write to

Zinc Oxide Cream Formulation


Knowing that human resources should be used, the ancestral knowledge of handicrafts, including textiles, and other, it would link them to the core of people unemployed and living in extreme poverty, it is necessary to merge, what they know about the they do not know, and furthermore, if it aims at creating infrastructure, shelter, where mothers, youth, women and men engage in cottage industry, with commercial production chains, and are being observed by their own children through a special space, ie, first best equipment for child education, and secondly maximizing the observing, teaching for children what their parents are running, so to a society of workers, and powerful people, all under a vision of human progress, not political appetites hostel or demagogic, as used in latinomerica, the strength of women and men their ancestral knowledge for the benefit of children.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

G Wagon Two Doors For Sale

Sponsorship Exhibition "ART IN RED" audiovisual

The weekend presented the touring exhibition of the work undertaken within the workshops of each of the organizations that we add "Art on the Web." Recoleta Square and the Planetarium were the natural settings where the installation was deployed: 200 seats of wood containing the paintings by children and youth in the country, saying issues of equality, development and solidarity.

There were present, with a brief summary of Cinekinesis, some photos and drawings painted by children, mounted on an old vinyl, symbolizing the brotherhood between art and technology.

The shows begin to travel across the country.
Soon the tour ....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chennai Reliance Landline Number Directory

click * to see "Hacete Cargo" - a message of youth for youth

awareness campaign carried out by teenagers in the School of The Dolphins, in the audiovisual workshop we offer between May and August 2010.

Kates Playground Showtread


Another year the Poverty Platform Zero Navarra / Pobreziarik Nafarroan ez, hold a demonstration under the slogan "PEOPLE FIRST" to claim compliance Millennium Development Goals and account for the degree of compliance with the Covenant Against Poverty Navarro signed on 11 December 2007.

2010 being crucial in all development policies and mobilization against poverty has more sense this year than ever since , among other things, social cuts that are already occurring and likely to go to more in 2011, causing a decline in some progress in the fight against poverty.

The date is Saturday, October 16 at 11:30 pm, departure from the Plaza del Castillo in Pamplona . The approximate length will be from 11:30 to 14:00 h.

At 11:30 will in the Plaza del Castillo a number of traditional American folk dances by immigrant associations, while one or more bands, will travel around the Plaza del Castillo to attract people. At 12 h, and after the singing of Riau - Riau , will start a demonstration led by the brass band and groups who have danced, which will visit several streets of Casco Viejo de Pamplona

Therefore encouraged to participate in the activity to make this event convio a reference rta annual poverty reduction.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Vitali At Least The Hat

Library Awareness Sobral Tuyú Sea CEAo2010

The cinemóvil solidarity visit in the month of October, the Library located at 92nd Street.
They met children and parents, amazed, saw the evolution of the genre of animation on the screen
Some boxes of books we had collected in the chain of solidarity that began in the City of Buenos Aires, reached its destination.
thank everyone who made this presentation Cinekinesis!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tingling In Menstruation

final job - Sta Teresita

to see tv spot