Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cheerleader Party Pusooy Game


On Saturday night I celebrated my 50th birthday (had met on 10 March). We wanted to have held a day of paintball and choripan, but the slope of January, February, March and ..... costs are going fine uffffff prevented us from doing so. So we think that the best way was to do at home with macarronianos they could attend and each contributing 10 euritos for dinner. As we are in full Fallas, many of them could not attend.

Roxana and Nacho First came to help with preparation. Oranges, apples, bananas to prepare a fruit salad.
Paula and Roxana cutting a German cake called him out Rivel Kuchen bueniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisima.
the table well prepared to receive guests.
Then it was George who had been invited to dinner. I already said that I have a special fondness for this xaval.
Then came Alice's and Blake
George was teaching Javier shoes that had brought and we gave him. She said she would feel great and very comfortable with them.
Then came Sabelita.
Then M ª José. Came somewhat angry, jajajajja, because it took to get out of where he parked the car and a truck blocked his way and finally had to call the local police.
Then came Eric and his son Matthias. As you'll see we were already moving the jaw.
Then came Vartan and Yuliya, it took something more to the issue of changing bus routes, now with the faults is a mess.
And finally came Rachel.
finishing dinner now it was time to open presents. I was excited because for a long time since I celebrated my birthday and I made gifts.

a folder to take everything related to the arbitration.
Two red one del Duero 2009 crop and a blend with Syrah Requena!
Other Ribera del Duero, vintage 2004.
A wooden picture frames.
A very nice colors.
also gave me a "cake" ... I'll save that it is not for eating, hahaha
few cards and some other with "surprise" ...
And a new bucket for the macaroni.
... and even my Paula received a gift, but I will share with me sure sure! hahaha, a friend of ours knows that Paula Romero honey whistles and today took to bring this bottle.
Thank you all for your assistance.
And finally the day came Ricardo and prepared us a very good Agua de Valencia.


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